Tuesday 10 June 2014

10 June, from the crew dude, part 1

G'day all!

Today's weather has turned out to be lousy, which we pretty much expected from yesterday's forecast.  So we were able to move out of the motel into the new accommodation and get it mostly set up.  We still have to buy one or two minor things for it, which we'll do today.  We'll also probably go touring around the countryside looking at laudable paddocks close by, although quite a few of them are hidden behind pieces of forest and won't be easily accessible by road (they'll probably be along famers' back lanes).  Google Earth will probably come in handy here.

Apparently, getting into a paddock over forest trees should prove tricky, as the trees effectively cut off the first 400 metres of paddock.  Yesterday, G Dale seemed to practise short-field landing by coming in slow over the trees, then diving the glider somewhat, which gave him enough speed for an almost immediate landing.  (This technique isn't recommended for beginners as it needs precise judgment and control!)

Most of Finland seems to be covered by cloud, which is going to hang around all day.  Tomorrow looks better, and probably flyable.  By then we should have the new accommodation all fixed up!


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