Wednesday 11 June 2014

11 June, from the crew dude, part 2

Hi all!!

Task for today - for the pilots - was an AAT of around 280 km nominally I think, in 3 1/2 hours.  Those who did it got around nicely.  Eric's SPOT tracker interestingly showed some wanderings, due apparently to having to deviate to search for optimum lift under promising Cu's.

My task was to improve our accommodation after last night's debacle.  Eventually done OK!  They shouldn't fall down now.  I've deliberately refrained from including any pictures of it, because (a) it looked terrible, and (b) I didn't take any.  Now what we have will likely block out most of the daylight / nightlight and allow better sleep.

That is, if the cuckoos don't keep us awake again!  There are one or two persistent cuckoos quite intent on calling out throughout the whole night, and they can be heard for quite some distance.

Weather forecast for tomorrow is for quite a bit of rain.

Two more guys are coming tomorrow and Eric's going to pick them up from Helsinki.  One of them is Mike Codling, team captain, so after they settle in we can all get together and find out how best to work as a team.



  1. Guys, we seriously need a photo of accommodation V 363,822,738.25 + 1!

  2. Andrew, I'm sure you have photos of both versions, come on it's time to post them!
