Friday 13 June 2014

13 June, from the crew dude

Hi all!

Weather's still lousy - rain, low cloud; fortunately not much wind.  Cloud's forecast to remain all day, along with the rain.  Forecast for tomorrow is for less rain - possibly even none - but strong winds, and from what we've been told about strong winds here, it's probably inadvisable to fly at all.  Curl-over from the nearby forests can cause big problems with local operations apparently!

Dylan Lampard has arrived to crew for Adam, and we're all now setting up a base in our accommodation area (which has a heap of spare space).  We're trying to add as much as possible in the way of electronic gizmos!

If there's still nothing to do after lunch, we might go into Helsinki to watch a movie.  Apparently the English movies are in English, with Finnish subtitles.

Update - not sure if this happened; certainly Eric and I didn't go.  Instead, Eric got on with adapting two new batteries he bought yesterday to the glider - connectors, and so forth.  He also got a B700 vario to install, so no doubt he'll spend a while playing with that!


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