Sunday 15 June 2014

15 June, from the crew dude, part 2

Well, installing the B700 (which Eric said should be a 10-minute job, took around 3 hours by the time we figured the plumbing out, and fixing the electrical problems that resulted, which included a dicky connection to the device that drives the tablet.

But we got there in the end!

Task seems to be an AAT of 3.5 hours, and the SPOT seems to be working.  It all got quite rushed when we lined up behind several other gliders, only to find out that they were using four tugs, instead of just two as they'd done on previous days, and so far from having 4 minutes to get strapped in, Eric ultimately had only 30 seconds!

They should get around OK, it's not over-developing, and should remain good for quite a while yet.

The base radio is giving some minor problems - correction, now seems to be fixed.  Antenna problems of course, and the fact that our team captain has RF experience and can fix it is a real plus.

Stay tuned!

Update 1240 - I hear the task is 4.75 hours!  So they won't be back for ages.

Update 1520 - there's some cirrus coming in, which will make the going tough, and Eric might be struggling at this point…

Update 1725 - still going, he's found some good stuff in places.  Now heading towards the airfield, probably to the next turn point which is the other side of the airfield.

Update 1900 - the day turned bad, and Eric decided to effectively abandon the task and final-glide straight back home.  Which meant that I didn't have to go and get fuel for the car (which was running low), and also meant that I didn't have to retrieve.  In fact, all I really did was to watch the flight progress on SPOT and Live Tracking, which worked rather well.

Forecast for tomorrow is for a bit of rain after lunch.  Hmmmm…


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