Tuesday 17 June 2014

17 June, from the crew dude, part 3


The day's gone bad, and I guess most people who actually launched will have returned, or have landed out.  Eric didn't fly, and we ended up completing the installation of the bug-wipers and getting the glider ready for scrutineering, which is later today.

Seems the wind has caused a few problems for some pilots, but no damage appears to have been done to anything.  Probably nothing more than interesting takeoffs and landings.  There are, after all, a lot of trees to cause turbulence…

Hopefully tomorrow will be a bit warmer!

Oh, the dunny has been righted.  And no one was inside!

While I'm at it… there are many signs now of updated infrastructure relating to the comp.  Quite a few notices have been stuck out on the road advertising the event, there are extra tugs here, and a few days ago several beer fridges arrived, for installation somewhere.  And quite a few competitors have also arrived.  Daily briefings are now attended by lots of people.


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