Thursday 19 June 2014

19 June, from the crew dude, part 1

Hi all!
Yesterday's weather resulted in (a) some sort of task, and (b) hardly anyone attempting it.  We didn't bother, instead, we removed extraneous items from the glider to reduce its weight.  We think we've got there now.  A re-weigh is in order, so we'll do that, then grid the glider, then attend the daily briefing.
Weather today again isn't all that promising, but a task will be set anyway, and Eric might fly it.

And perhaps the ATM at the nearby town will be filled with cash again, so we can get some :-)

Update 0915 - comfortably through re-weigh, the glider and pilot are lighter to the extent that they fit in a lesser weight penalty bracket. Now gridded, and the weather's looking quite good.

Update 0955 - task is AAT 2 hrs, scratch distance 229 km. I think there's some rain later in the day, so we may have an earlyish start.

Update 1250 - the fleet launched after a delay to 1200.  I've returned to Aussie base after launching Eric, and there are still quite a few gliders to go.  Start line opening in 19 minutes as I write this.

And the rain looks like staying to the south of us.



  1. Bit of exercise, sauna and no beer? Must have donecthe trick. :-)

    1. Sauna, no beer (actually there was some!), less grub, and removal of extraneous parts - the seat back was the heaviest, there's a piece of stiff foam there now - did it. :-)

  2. "removal of extraneous parts"? What did you do to him????

  3. Well, judging by what happened today, I think the bit that knows how to fly the glider is still there, but the bit that allows him to get home was removed!!! :-)

  4. Looking at the ratio of total landings and launches at Räyskälä the latter bit must have been removed earlier...:-)
