Monday 2 June 2014

2 June, from the crew dude, part 1

G'day all!!

Eric had a minor problem with the Flarm logger yesterday, the trace got split into two files, and only the first part was accepted, with the result that he achieved only 50 km.

Today, the weather's much better, and we woke to totally blue skies.  Some Cu's have now started to form, so there must at least be some thermals around!

Task so far seems to be 271 km racing, which seems a bit small, but perhaps all will be revealed with the weather briefing.  Just before briefing, we went into Loppi for shopping, and the roads looked a whole lot different without rain on them, or mist in the sky, or lots of rotten cloud!

Briefings are in both English and FInnish.

I've managed to get photos of road and airspace maps into my moving-map program, which might help on retrieves.  I just hope I don't have to use them!

Weather briefing showed a big line of alto-stratus and cirrostratus edging in from the south-east, and that was forecast to come in around mid-afternoon, hence the short task.

First things first.  We had some shopping to do, and mobiles to recharge with some more credit (now I can use it again!!!!) and then tow the glider out to the grid (this time, weighing couldn't be less interested in us!), then lunch and launch.

Eric's off, the spot tracker is working (he forgot to erase yesterday's spots!) and he's trying out to the north-east prior to start.

Pictures later on after he's started and I can get back to the motel.

Stay tuned!!

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