Saturday 21 June 2014

21 June, from the crew dude

Hi all!

The Finnish Night last night went well, lots of people there.  It was more of a social get-together rather than an extravaganza of Finnish delicacies, and was followed by a bonfire at midnight (i.e. when it was still light!).  A pity everyone had partaken of plenty of alcohol prior to midnight, as a launch at midnight would've been a real novelty to quite a lot of us there!  And the bonfire may have given the glider a good thermal too.

Pictures of the fire when I can get them off the camera;  I ended up using Eric's camera since I'd forgotten mine!

Was woken this morning to the sound of the heaviest rain since we'd moved to the hangar.  The forecast for today isn't promising, with showers on-and-off forecast for most of the day.

The official opening ceremony is this evening at 1900.  Not sure if only team captains and pilots will be parading, or everyone in the team.  If only captains and pilots (as happened with the Junior Worlds in Poland last year) , I may be able to get some pictures of the event.

Update 0930 - no task today.  Local flying only.

Update 0940 - Eric's having fun trying to convert the text of his "Splat No. 4" post to match everything else.  :-)

Update 1130 - Showers around the place, and likely to increase.  The atmosphere is massively unstable, so that any thermals that form will result almost immediately in clouds, which just keep on growing, then dropping a lot of rain.  Forecast for tomorrow is for a lot of cloud, and that forecast for Monday is for more rain.


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