Tuesday 24 June 2014

24 June, from the crew dude

Hi all!!

Mike's given us the news - the grid is open!  So everyone will tow their gliders out to line up.  Briefing at 1030, and we'll get the weather then.  The local public forecast is interesting though, as showers and even a storm are forecast.  We had some rain in the early morning but the sky is now clear apart from some cirrus.

We'll set the glider up and then go to briefing, and find out what's really happening!

Update 1130 - It's on!  Club class is 2.5 hr AAT, so the directions the pilots choose will hopefully avoid the showers.  First launch 1215, and Eric's towards the back of the field, so will probably launch around 1300 or so.

Update 1155 - first launch 1300.

Update 1158 - it's raining on the gliders now.

Update 1221 - it's absolutely pouring down now!

1226 - Stopped raining, but if this rain has fallen on clay paddocks / soil then apparently that area doesn't generate thermals for the rest of the day.  And even worse to outland in…

1245 - first launch 1330.

1330 - first launch 1400. I'm now at the glider, cleaning off all the dirt that the heavy downpour kicked up all over it, and now it's started to rain again.

1345 - day cancelled for all classes.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Guys.
    I wish you all safe flying in the competition and, rather than good luck, an absense of bad luck. I hope that whatever happens you all learn and grow from the experience and are able to bring your knowledge back to Australia to share with others.
    The coverage is excellent with live YouTube broadcasts of the daily briefings hard to beat. I hope we can do something similar for the International comps over here in the next few years.
