Thursday 26 June 2014

26 June, from the crew dude

Hi all!

Yep, yesterday we actually managed to get a task in.  On Day 4 of the comp.

Tricky conditions, with the task possibly over-set; still, you probably wouldn't expect anything else in a world comp.  The sky started off as alto-stratus, then quite a few Cu's developed and it looked reasonably good.  But the Cu's thickened up and then merely added to the alto-stratus, causing the day to shut down in a fashion, and lots of people in Club Class landed out.

The paddock Eric landed in looked OK, but turned out v. muddy especially once we churned it up a bit trying to tow the glider out to the trailer (wouldn't have got the car and trailer in there).

It took me a bit of road-juggling to find Eric, I kept on taking what would turn out to be the wrong road but eventually ended up on one which looked as though it was going in the wrong direction but eventually curved right around and ended up at the farmhouse where Eric was.  De-rigged and headed off.

Back at home, we pulled the glider out and hosed out the wheel-well and trailer, getting rid of about half a ton of mud in the process, and rigged the glider then had tea.  Just before turning in, though, we also sealed it up again and got it ready for today's onslaught.

Yesterday, the forecast for today was looking promising.  Today, the same forecast has been downgraded somewhat.  We'll have to wait until briefing to find out what's actually happening…

Again, stay tuned!!!

Update 1025 - Eric has an AAT of scratch distance 302 km or so, 3 hrs. First launch 1130.

Update 1125 - no launch delays, they're going.

Some isolated showers around now, and it's over-developing.

Update 1415 - have included picture from yesterday.  I put them in yesterday's blog entry.  Back here, showers not increasing, and Eric's well away.


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