Thursday 5 June 2014

5 June, from the crew dude

I'm getting some practice at driving the car, towing a trailer, in Finland now.  It's quite nice really.
Eric's reported SPOT positions are v. accurate, and all that remains is to follow roads to the place marked "X" in the moving-map program, and there he is!
Actually, this was rendered slightly harder yesterday when he landed not near a main road, but near a country track which if course isn't marked on the map.  I was nearby, when a man on a bicycle found me and told me (in Finnish of course!) that there was a glider about 1 km up the dirt track which was right ahead of me.  Trundled along that, and there he was.
De-rigged OK, stopped by a local shop to buy grub for dinner as any airfield restaurants would be well closed by then (2000) and headed home.  After dinner, we rigged, which saves us that onerous task this morning.
Weather.  Sunny right now (no clouds), getting cloudy later on, which basically means Cu's, and currently 20 degrees with forecast max of 28.  Time to break out the shorts!
Forgot the obligatory pic of the outlanding but Eric's done that as usual anyway :-)
Briefing at the usual 1000, first launch probably at 1130 although I suspect the day will go on for a long time and they could launch at 1200.  I hear tell thermals can go on up until as late as 2100, so they might get a 5- or 6-hour task! RASP shows a temp-trace which, when combined with the forecast max of 28, should give thermals to 9000 maybe!
Update 1000 - task is only 200 km - presumably the reason will be revealed with the weather brief!
Update 1008 - cirrus edging from the SW, thickening during the day, and an inversion aroung 2-3000 ft, with noticeable winds. Possible light rain later in the day. Weak thermals.
Update 1150 - radio from the CD is that the day is cancelled. The cirrus has come in faster than forecast and the temperature has actually dropped a couple of degrees!

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