Sunday 8 June 2014

8 June, from the crew dude, part 1

Hi all!

Not much to report, yesterday was cancelled as you know, and in the afternoon the closing ceremony was held.  Interestingly, around 1800 the clouds cleared away, to leave us with a nice sky with Cu's everywhere, and we could probably have flown then.  Certainly the training operation was well in progress then, and looked like continuing for some time!

Today, with indifferent weather to start with, and no necessity for briefing and gridding, we're going to take it easy, and perhaps make any slight last-minute updates to the aircraft (if any).  Eric wants to get as much flying in as possible before the World comp, understandably as he's had only three flying days before this, and abandoned the task on one of those days and outlander on the other two!

No pictures this time.  We took stacks of pics during last week's storm, but it appears we didn't get any with lightning in them. :-(

Upcoming forecast (but the weather here seems to be a bit unpredictable) is for average conditions for a few days yet, but you never know…


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