Saturday 14 June 2014

Cold, wet and windy

AK and EE in their assigned tie-down positions for the WGC. Right down the end of runway 08 and very close to the hanger Andy, Mike, Charlie and I are staying in. 

Although we're not flying I'm still making progress. These rainy days are the perfect time for sorting out the electronic system bugs and that's exactly what we've been doing. I've bought 2 new glider batteries and wired them up so now I can be sure that they will be pretty close to their full spec'ed capacity. It's a club glider and the best batteries were tested at at least an Amp Hour low and would probably be much lower since last test. 

2 new toys arrived for me to play with over the last 2 days. Mike and Charlie brought over my primary Data Logger and secondary nav device. It's an LX NAV Nano3. All loaded up and ready to go, I'm very impressed by this little unit, can't wait to get it up into the sky.

Second toy was brought over by Dylan Lampard (Crew for AK) and that is the B700 audio vario. Thanks to Adam Woolley but more so Chris Woolley for packing it up and making sure it got to Dylan and safely over here. This is replacing the current (useless) audio vario that is fitted in EE.

That's about it really at this stage, nothing much else to say from over here.

In other news a cousin of mine from Germany, who began gliding last season has completed his first 50km flight for his silver C badge. And I'm stuck up here too close to the Arctic...

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