Monday 16 June 2014

16 June, from the crew dude

Hi all!

Weather forecast for today isn't promising, and I got the impression last night that some people might regard today as a no-fly day.  There's quite a bit of cirrus around, and there's supposed to be light rain forecast from around lunch-time onwards.

Eric had a couple of electrical problems yesterday, so we'll try to solve those today.

That's it…


Update 1450: Eric's now registered.  Scrutineering I think will happen tomorrow.

From now on, even on the unofficial practice days, there will be a briefing at 1000 which includes the weather, and any unofficial task which might be set.  On the official practice days, I think the aim is to run them as though they were actual comp days (including uploading logger files) but they won't be used for scoring.  Last-minute bugs can be got out the glider's system!  (And also out of things like team organisation.)

A pile of rain has just gone through, and the temperature has dropped significantly.  We're installing new bug-wiper deployment string, which will let the wipers deploy fully.  Then we'll be ready!

Update 1740: a cool change has gone through, leaving us with very low temperatures.  And the forecast temp for tomorrow is max 10 degrees or so, starting out around 7 degrees.  Clear skies, so possibly a task will be set.  Wipers not yet installed but that'll be a quick job tomorrow (or maybe even tonight if we can bear the cold!).

This is summer???

Update 1840: It's pouring down now, and there's a fair amount of rain yet to come through, if the rain radar is anything to go by.  And it's a bit colder than before!


  1. Electrical and/or EMC problems with the radio sorted?

    1. Pretty much! A lot better than it was apparently!
