Sunday 8 June 2014

8 June, from the crew dude, part 2

Yeah yeah yeah, you know what happened…

And he landed out on a PRACTICE day!!  Oh dear.  I was minding my own business in the motel room, noting that it had just started to rain and thinking about retrieving Eric's laundry from the clothes-line, when the phone went off.

That could mean only one thing.  No prizes for guessing what it was.  This time, he'd dropped a few k's east of Loppi, so I plugged the coordinates into the moving-map program and off I went (with trailer of course).

Once again, it wasn't on a main road that appeared on the map, so after having gone a bit too far I knew he had to be on a side-street somewhere.  Doubled back to find one.  About 2 k's further on, there he was.

The farmer spoke reasonable English so he and Eric presumably had a good yarn before I arrived.  Certainly it was the first time the farmer had had a glider drop in there!  And he was very interested in the de-rigging process, and amazed that the thing could go in that box.

Back at Räyskälä, we rigged - we're getting expert at that now - and washed all the mud out from underneath the glider.  Tomorrow we'll seal it up.

We also have to move out of the motel - we have the room only until tomorrow - and move into a new hangar and set up new accommodation facilities.  We bought sleeping bags, mattress and pillows yesterday, so we'll probably spend most of the morning doing all that.  This'll be our accommodation for the rest of the event.

The world comp currently has 99 gliders entering, so there should be some spectacular sights on the ground, lined up, and in the sky!


1 comment:

  1. Looks like you're getting more of a workout than you bargained for, crew dude.
    Maybe your pilot needs some retraining in landing at airfields? I hear Schleicher's new '32 is coming to Räyskälä - that should do for a check flight, don't you think? Better be quick to get in line for a ticket.
