Sunday 1 June 2014

Day 1 of the Finnish Club Class Natonals

Today is the start of the first competition I will be flying in Finland. This is a very serious practice round for me so I will need to learn the ins and outs of this glider and this location before competing in the world championships in a few weeks time here at the same airfield. My club class team mate Adam Woolley and I will also be using this week to get very familiar with each others flying and fine tune our team flying strategies for the world's. Looking at the entries we will have the youngest average age but we take that as an advantage with our adaptability and recovery speed. Not to mention our youthful good looks.

Yesterday we finally took the glider out of the workshop after much success. Some instruments were shuffled around and my electronics were fully installed. The bug wipers have been wired up and tested leaving just the installation to go which will happen on the next rainy day.

We rigged the glider after dinner last night  not having to worry about failing daylight and calculated and installed the balance weight I need in the tail of the glider to locate the center of gravity where I want it.

The first safety briefing is in 30 minutes with the English briefing after that. I hope we can race today given the weather still hasn't  come around. Never the less,  showers seem unlikely today so I'm sure I will get off the ground.

My fellow Aussie team mate in standard class is flying an LS8 with my initials as it's competition ID... It must be a pretty fast glider.

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